Dawat-E Tablig

Masjid Al Magfirah from 31 to 010 in 3 days of the Jamaat-oyatera of labor that has to be. The Mosque was a munsiganj District melem kailaila Union and was a mastarata Jamaat. John’s pal was an average of 1 per jamate. A cillara (40 days), the labor union kailaila Daily. This year, forest oyapada Colony Mosque (continuation of last year), and Families – a six-month labor market, the mosque has been samuhe every Friday. In addition, every Saturday, has been gasta respective areas.

Families from different countries in the Jamaat’s Central Mosque. In Egypt, saudiaraba, Mauritania, Pakistan, Djibouti, Afghanistan, Turkey, naijeriyarha, India, Sudan, abudhabi, honor, astriliya, notably South Africa and malesiya. Egypt, Pakistan, and to mastarata malesiya jamatasamuha jamatasamuha Gulshan Central Mosque and the country came samuhe yaneoyala. Programs throughout the year on the day niuokta – Masoyara in the morning (advice) and daoyata, hasatekbala training.

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