Hefz Competition

The word of the Holy Quran could feel the importance of those three words contain the chest and Hafez Hafez, to show their respect for the inception of this program in order to encourage others to come on. This year Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara, Badda, Bhatara, Cantonment, Mohakhali, Tejgaon, Rampura, Khilkhet, Airport, Uttar Khan, Badda, Dhaka Tens and annihilation of the mosque, Hafiz Taraaweeh saheb Hefz Competition and Iftar was organized in honor of the two groups. Hefz competitors ‘B’ group under 15 years and the ‘A’ group from the 16-year-old Hafez tadurrdha sahebara and competitors took part in the 1 st to 5 th place respectively possessed 10,000 cash / taka 6,000 / taka, 4,000 / taka 3,000 / taka and 2000 / taka and books have been awarded a total of 6 people in comfort, and the group as a cash prize of 1,000 / – (one thousand) was paid by money. Competitors in this sector cash prize of Rs 74.000 / taka has been provided. Moreover, on the occasion of the madrasa 7 issue of our Hafizia Hafez is wearing a turban. The number of judges in accordance with the values ​​of A and B group of 10 people 500 / taka total 5,000 / – (five thousand) rupees and judges sanraksanakarike total 14,500 honorarium and results / taka has given our society’s executive committee member of the Board of Mr. Faiz Ahmed and executive committee member of the Society and Religion sub-committee, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Samir Mubarak Hossain Chowdhury. A total of 107 contestants divided into two groups taking part in competitions haphejake 00 / – (two hundred) to pay a total of 21400 / taka honorarium as the trip has been. Memorized the competition was the chief guest at the prominent Islamic scholar, muphassire Quran, Kushtia Islamic University of Al-Quran and Islamic Studies Department Prof. Dr. Hafez Al-Haj, B, M hiybullaha. Mr. Alhaj Syed Ahmad, former president of the Society, presided over the ceremony, a brief discussion was attended by the Secretary General of the Society, Mr. M. Hannan. The event was directed by a member of our executive committee and sub-committee on religion Secretary Mr. Samir Al-Haj Sheikh Mohammad Mobarak Hossain Chowdhury. All of the contestants, competitors, some parents, our Hafezia students, executive committee members and guests of the daoyati Iftar ceremony is ending.

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